- sending out the most awesome Christmas cards ever, that my friend Lisa made here
- introducing Meagan to dear friends at the brew brew (I love that my friends all get along, what an awesome blessing.)
- on a second excursion to the brewery with Colleen and Sandi, having the most precious waiter on his first night and also receiving the best drunk voicemail. ha.
- opening presents with tags like the one pictured at right
- seeing Raquel and the amazing Brace family and having a sleepover like high school. this of course included a trip to the tattoo parlor. not for me, yet.
- having brunch with Colleen at Arnies (also pictured) and going to the mall the da
y before Christmas. two firsts.
- installing a programmable thermostat successfully! go me!
- laughing so hard I cried at the Christmas Eve service at church. so good this year, and always so wonderful to see my long lost church family.
- watching all of my favorite Christmas movies
- snow
- a lovely though short visit with the Bordenkirchers
- two impromptu dance parties within days of each other with different people. what a blessing again that I have friends that dance.
- sleeeeeeeeping.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas is all around us
Sunday, December 13, 2009
a GLEEful week
- Dexter with friends
- Mario on the Wii and we all suck, ha
- Sharing dinner and life
- Christmas party at work and my work family
- The girls from high school and our annual gathering!
- Decorating my moms' tree (pictured ---->)
Now onto my most enjoyable events of the week....
Wednesday, sweet Wednesday. I love you. You bring me joy in the form of days off, friends and Glee. This week you brought me a whole party, a dress up party. And it was glorious. I had a moment when I was getting ready to be Rachel Berry when I realized I have the best friends in the world. I mean, it takes a special group of people to dress up for a TV show.
And we went all out, as you can see :) So fun! I won't bore you with more about this though, onto the next: Friday and the point of this all, Martini Night.
So Friday I enjoyed a Christmas party all day at work and then after work I joined up with some friends to see Christopher Williams with Jon Troast at the Park Theater for a great, live concert. Great music and talented artists make for a wonderful experience. After the concert we traveled over to 84 East. I had forgotten how different going on a Saturday is compared to a Friday. The atmosphere is completely different, mainly concerning the DJ they have playing music on the makeshift dance floor. Buuuuuuttt, without said DJ, we wouldn't be able to call a song for the night, and once it's played go to that silly little area and dance. Which is what we all did, to Billie Jean. Though I never need a drink to dance, because I'll dance to anything, anywhere....well mostly, we ordered a shaker of Tropical Storm. An intense mix of coconut and pineapple that comes out blue and is actually quite strong. I'm giving it a low 6.8 only because this is the first drink that made me flush and since that's painful, it was potentially given a low score. On a better day maybe a 7.2, it's very tropical tasting.
So here's the Martini Night Recap:
persons in attendance: Amy, Katie, Jenna, Brian, Adam, Dwight and partly Jon
drinks had: Tropical Storm
favorite quote: "it's not dark enough to dance the way I want to dance..."
favorite moment: most awkward group dance ever
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
a category 5
a category 5 hurricane is nothing to mess with. it's an unfortunate occurrence. you can predict when it's coming and make preparations but in the end all you can do is bunker down and wait for it to pass. hope and pray that when you open your eyes things are recognizable. i feel like i've been in a lot of situations like this lately. i can think of three right now, and though they're over and i made it, and i'm probably even stronger and more confident after, it sucks when you're going through it. and my point of this rambling is to recognize that martini night is not about alcohol. to me anyways. it's about the people and the conversations. it's about having people in your life you can sit at a table with week after week and never run out of things to talk about and if you do, it's a comfortable silence. it's about sharing life with all the good parts and the hard parts. and being there when someone is going through their own "category 5". though i didn't pick it because of all this, looking back, the Category 5 was a perfect choice for this week. it's possibly too many things blended together so i'm only going to give it a 6.7 after really thinking about it. it doesn't stand out to me, but i know quite a few people that have enjoyed it, so i could be completely biased on this one...as opposed to all the others you know ;) so thank you to jenna for sharing an evening of easy conversation and also to the second waitress that has brought me my menu without me asking. milestone.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Peanut Butter Pizza Pie
November has been kind of nuts. It still doesn't compare to October but it's running a close second. So far this month I have:
- joined my mother and stood for 5 hours with drunk middle aged hooligans to watch The Boss
- joined Team In Training again, for yet another half marathon
- celebrated Merry Gobblemas with the most amazing family ever
- moved
- bought a dyson. (this one deserved a period)
- overslept on black friday
- gotten a flat tire
- watched two movies, UP and The Blindside, and cried at both
- attended two martini nights, which leads me to this past weekend:
I always love martini night, there has yet to be a time when I have left thinking I just wasted my time and money with crappy people. It just never happens. I especially love it when there is a small group with GREAT conversation or a larger group with lots of laughter and just shared moments. This weekend was the latter and it was a wonderful evening. I feel like I was able to catch up on everyones' lives, share a few things myself :) and enjoy two very delicious martinis. First off was the Pomtini coming in at a tasty 8.5. It was mainly graded down to the fact that though it's a strong flavor and not so much on the sweet side as it is tart, somehow this drink tastes too much like pink grapefruit, which is also tart, so you'd think they'd let the pomegranate dominate like it should but moving on to the Sour Patch Kid. I'm actually giving this an 8.5 as well. Delicious and not too sweet or sour, a perfect mix. I would have liked this one with the sugar rim but we did get it out of a pitcher so I could be misjudging it anyways. I think next weekend I'm going to give one of the wintery flavors a shot, since it's going to be collllllldd. Stay tuned, I think it's going to be a good one.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
London Bridge is falling Down
I have to apologize for the ridiculous amount of time between this post and the actual night I'm recounting. Life, for sure, is crazy, but I am going to give the best recap of the evening I possibly can. After not having felt well I decided to skip a dance party...gasp!!! I usually like to have plans, to know what I'm doing at any given time so not going dancing opened up a whole night with no ability to make plans, I just had to go with it. It turned out well. Amanda, Amy and myself took a tour of some downtown art galleries and their punch competition, scored ourselves some awesome homemade hats, spiked punch, warm punch, good snacks and even some movie filming. Jenna joined and we proceeded to martini night. We were then joined by Julie and Katie and I proceeded to try two drinks for the evening. I was only going to do one but I got so hungry I had a thick second. That sounds gross just typing it but I'll start with that one, it was the Strawberry Cheesecake, which actually has sour cream in it. I was hesitant and thought it could go horribly wrong but it was actually a bit delightful. Rating wise a 7.3 but that is saying a lot for a drink that has a nacho topping in it. The first drink I had was the Sunset. It's so pretty, they pour the grenadine in after so it drops to the bottom. You have to remember to mix it a bit otherwise you get a lot of alcohol and then a lot of sugary red liquid. This drink receives an 8.2 with its' presentation giving a few tenths higher than taste alone. Overall it was a good evening, filled with amazing women and random events that I couldn't have planned better if I tried, and I think sometimes that's the lesson.
Thanks for joining ladies :)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I spell it Grey
In the midst of the busiest October I've ever lived through, I had the opportunity to sit down with some very dear friends and enjoy some martinis. And enjoy them we did. I would like to first say, if you're with a couple of people and you can all agree on one flavor, go for

So who has heard of the saying "you wouldn't join a club that would have you as its member"? Anyone? I hadn't either but Sandi so graciously brought this to my attention a couple months ago and we brought it up again this evening, after talking about a few different scenarios we're all going through. It's basically like this: you really want to join this group, so you apply, and you pray about it and then you're accepted but you realize, you don't want to be in a group that just accepts you. We're complicated individuals and sometimes do really dumb things, and I think this is one of them. But we all do it, and when you take a second and think about it, I can almost guarantee you've been there, because it applies to a lot of different areas of life.
I was doubting my ability to carry out this blog for the full year but after this past night, I realize that I need this. I need something to look forward to. I need the company, the atmosphere, the freedom, the conversations, the laughter, the tears, the tears because of the laughter and the support. And most of all I look forward to looking back at these posts and seeing the memories and the growth. :)
Evening Re-cap:
Quotable quotes: Amy - "SPINACH DIP AND CHEEEEEEEPS!!"
Sandi - "Not me and my hand but you and your hand"
Me - "I just did the 90/10 with the lamp..."
Jenna - "It's not gossip, we talk about him all the time."
Drinks had: Raspberry Lifesaver and Red Appletini
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Rinse. No repeat.
I know it's not the best example but I can't put peoples' names in here without their approval so it will have to do. A good song about this would be Melt My Heart to Stone by Adele, maybe that'd be a better example. Do guys know they do this? Because I can count on more than one hand people I know that have gone through situations like this, and that's just not right. That's why I say, Rinse. No repeat. Stop going back. Be rid of it, it's not healthy.
This has potential to be a girl power post but it also could have been the Razzmopolitan talking which I would give a 7. It has a good flavor but the quick aftertaste burns a bit. I followed it with the Fuzzy Wuzzy (which immediately takes me to the rhyme but drink wise is similar to a Fuzzy Navel) which I would give a 7.8 because the orange juice makes you think it's healthy. I have to start going to a decimal rating system because I like it better than the first but it was not an 8. I can't just go giving everything pretty and tasty a high score, I have to be fair. You know, because clearly people are going to go to 84 East after reading this and use my rating system to figure out what to drink. Ha. And I'd hate to give them a false rating.
So that's it for now. Next weekend is the big race so I will only be drinking water. See you in two weeks :)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
martini night or martini weekend?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
my own two cents
And now I'll share on my "you have got to be kidding me" moment. In the middle of my martini, which I was still trying to decide my feelings on, some friends walked in the door. Or maybe I would say acquaintances. (this was the moment) I just had to laugh because of the inevitable encounter approaching and I must say I'm slightly shocked at the other parties' reaction. I got acknowledged in a "oh, I think I knew you once...(walk away dramatically)" way. And then the other person says nothing. Now in a way I'm not complaining because it could have been drawn out but also, martinis don't like drama and neither do I. So it got me thinking about friends vs. acquaintances. I think the latter, for some reason, has a bad stigma with it. Like, if you're only an acquaintance that's a bad thing. Really? I think it's better than an enemy, or better yet a frienemy. It might be a difficult situation if somehow the friendship has moved to just acquaintances but it's most likely for the better. I mean come on, can anyone really stay friends with everyone they meet? It's impossible! Most of you can't even remember the name of your best friend from 4th grade. Ok, that's the end of my rant. Thanks for listening and as always, your thoughts are welcomed.
Nightly wrap-up
Martini: Money Penny
Attendees: Amy, Jenna, Oven, Kate, Lena and poor Jon :)
Best moment: fully enjoying the night and being in bed by 11 (totally not lame!)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
be with who you're with
Thursday, August 27, 2009
the newest (old) trend

or new trend?

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Wedding Caketini AND Watermelon Jolly Rancher

It's been a long week. That being said:
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Adventure Begins Now
I haven't kept up a blog in a good amount of years. I'm a little bit worried that after 100 days I'm going to forget about you and leave you hanging. I will try my best though. My goal is to stick with this for one year. And during that year I will be reporting my opinions on the 45 martini's offered at 84 East, my favorite weekend hangout :) I'll also be sharing my thoughts on the conversations of the evening and life in general. One flavor per weekend minimum with a few extra weeks in case of holidays or other unforseen events should take me to next August 14th.
This whole idea came from the movie Julie & Julia. And of course my rating system stored in my phone of previous martini nights.
I started last night with the Coconut Raspberry. I LOVE coconut so I don't think it could have been bad. I gave it an 8 on a scale of 1-10 only because it tastes slightly creamy without actually being creamy at all. I was able to share the evening with Esther and Oven and it wasn't long after talking about the "dance floor" we began our topic of the evening: The Slow Dance. I began to explain my policy; I do not slow dance. I just don't do it. Of course I'm referring to wedding scenarios because I can't think of a situation where I would ever need to slow dance elsewhere. I think slow dancing is:
1) too personal
2) too boring
3) precious time to cool off and recuperate for the next batch of fast songs
4) something I'll do when I'm married
Needless to say, we had different opinions. I figured if I keep the policy and don't break the rules (which I did in the past and then the turnout made me feel worse, I should have said no!) then I don't have to worry about it. But what if you take a date they ask? Well, the date will already know the policy. This doesn't have to be difficult, I think it makes perfect sense. Does anyone else have this policy? Or a policy in general? I can't be the only one. I just can't be.
So this was day one. Or I guess night one. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topics or ideas of topics for next time. Most of all I'd like you to join me.
until next time,