Showing posts with label Razzmopolitan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Razzmopolitan. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rinse. No repeat.

When I first had the idea to start this, I honestly did not think that it would be this difficult to fit in a martini every weekend. I realize now, after almost two months, it's much more difficult when you're also counting on others to make it possible. I don't think I've quite reached that coveted solo status yet. There is just something about going to the bar alone that is not in the make up of my bones. However, I have decided that if that time ever does come, I have to get the Lemon because it's pure vodka and I'm sure it will make me seem awesome and hard core, like, "yeah, that's right, I'm at the bar alone and I like my martinis without frill." And realistically, I do like the frill, they can be quite pretty. My point with all this, is this: this is an open invite to join me. We can talk about anything you'd like, even emotional booty calls, like last night. That's right, you read it right. If you aren't familiar with what I'm talking about, which I'm sure most people aren't, take a quick 3o seconds and follow this link. So now that you know what I'm talking about, I'm going to twist it. I feel a common variation is the reversed ebc, if I may. For my example, I'll use Jack and Diane (who by the way, had Jack done this, there wouldn't be a ditty about them, because Diane would have been a smart woman and left) for lack of better names. So this is what happens: Jack "calls" Diane, repeat, repeat, now Diane thinks there could be something, Diane thinks because she's giving so much emotionally there is a connection, but wait! Jack talks about someone else, Diane is confused, and rinse and repeat.

I know it's not the best example but I can't put peoples' names in here without their approval so it will have to do. A good song about this would be Melt My Heart to Stone by Adele, maybe that'd be a better example. Do guys know they do this? Because I can count on more than one hand people I know that have gone through situations like this, and that's just not right. That's why I say, Rinse. No repeat. Stop going back. Be rid of it, it's not healthy.

This has potential to be a girl power post but it also could have been the Razzmopolitan talking which I would give a 7. It has a good flavor but the quick aftertaste burns a bit. I followed it with the Fuzzy Wuzzy (which immediately takes me to the rhyme but drink wise is similar to a Fuzzy Navel) which I would give a 7.8 because the orange juice makes you think it's healthy. I have to start going to a decimal rating system because I like it better than the first but it was not an 8. I can't just go giving everything pretty and tasty a high score, I have to be fair. You know, because clearly people are going to go to 84 East after reading this and use my rating system to figure out what to drink. Ha. And I'd hate to give them a false rating.

So that's it for now. Next weekend is the big race so I will only be drinking water. See you in two weeks :)