- sending out the most awesome Christmas cards ever, that my friend Lisa made here
- introducing Meagan to dear friends at the brew brew (I love that my friends all get along, what an awesome blessing.)
- on a second excursion to the brewery with Colleen and Sandi, having the most precious waiter on his first night and also receiving the best drunk voicemail. ha.
- opening presents with tags like the one pictured at right
- seeing Raquel and the amazing Brace family and having a sleepover like high school. this of course included a trip to the tattoo parlor. not for me, yet.
- having brunch with Colleen at Arnies (also pictured) and going to the mall the da
y before Christmas. two firsts.
- installing a programmable thermostat successfully! go me!
- laughing so hard I cried at the Christmas Eve service at church. so good this year, and always so wonderful to see my long lost church family.
- watching all of my favorite Christmas movies
- snow
- a lovely though short visit with the Bordenkirchers
- two impromptu dance parties within days of each other with different people. what a blessing again that I have friends that dance.
- sleeeeeeeeping.
So that was Christmas and everything leading up to it. It's been a good end to a so-so year, which makes me hopeful for 2010.
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