In the midst of the busiest October I've ever lived through, I had the opportunity to sit down with some very dear friends and enjoy some martinis. And enjoy them we did. I would like to first say, if you're with a couple of people and you can all agree on one flavor, go for the pitcher, it's fabulous. We started with the Raspberry Lifesaver which I am giving a 9.5. Amazing, great flavor and it masks the alcohol very well. Our second round was the Red Appletini which I am giving a 9.8. Frankly put, it's delicious. This picture is proof.
So who has heard of the saying "you wouldn't join a club that would have you as its member"? Anyone? I hadn't either but Sandi so graciously brought this to my attention a couple months ago and we brought it up again this evening, after talking about a few different scenarios we're all going through. It's basically like this: you really want to join this group, so you apply, and you pray about it and then you're accepted but you realize, you don't want to be in a group that just accepts you. We're complicated individuals and sometimes do really dumb things, and I think this is one of them. But we all do it, and when you take a second and think about it, I can almost guarantee you've been there, because it applies to a lot of different areas of life.
I was doubting my ability to carry out this blog for the full year but after this past night, I realize that I need this. I need something to look forward to. I need the company, the atmosphere, the freedom, the conversations, the laughter, the tears, the tears because of the laughter and the support. And most of all I look forward to looking back at these posts and seeing the memories and the growth. :)
Evening Re-cap:
Quotable quotes: Amy - "SPINACH DIP AND CHEEEEEEEPS!!"
Sandi - "Not me and my hand but you and your hand"
Me - "I just did the 90/10 with the lamp..."
Jenna - "It's not gossip, we talk about him all the time."
Drinks had: Raspberry Lifesaver and Red Appletini